Only Smart YouTube Marketer Will Know These YouTube Marketing Secrets

By Team VE Jun 29, 2017

So, you are an entrepreneur and believe in the power of digital marketing. However, using YouTube as an effective marketing tool must not have crossed your mind. You might believe only in the power of text-based content. If that is the case, you are not alone in committing this grave error of judgement. There are many who don’t know its power. Well, more than 1 billion people watch YouTube videos everyday and it receives 5 billion page views per day, which results in 6 billion hours of video views per month. Now can you still afford to ignore this powerful video platform?

Let’ts discuss some specific YouTube marketing secrets that only smart YouTube marketers know:

  1. Come Out All Guns Blazing

    The first twenty four hours is extremely crucial for the lifecycle of any YouTube video. It decides whether your video will be just another video or a razing Tsunami. Making sure it gets the right traction from the very beginning in terms of likes, shares and comments. Ensuring that your content gets the required number of likes, shares and comments is essential to build the momentum of your wave as you approach the shore. You can leverage the power of micro-job sites such as Amazon’s Mturk program for this purpose. It will help you generate the initial level of social signal activity for your YouTube videos.

  2. Leverage the Success of Other Videos

    This is a classic digital marketing tactic. It’s as simple as posting your newly created video while responding to a content you have found. However, you should refrain from attaching your video to every viral video. You need to engage with publishers in a restrained and engaging manner.

  3. Collaborate

    Most successful YouuTubers know the importance of collaboration. It helps everyone. Collaboration will enable you to leverage the power of their respective audiences. As a result both of you will grow. This is far more organic way to grow than buying viewership through ads.

  4. Prepare Transcripts for Your YouTube Video

    YouTube will do its best to make a transcript of your video, but itwill be about ten million times better if you handle this thing on your own. Your own transcripts will be far more accurate, meaning you will be sending much stronger relevancy signals to YouTube’s internal search algorithm – leading to higher rankings and more views, clicks and comments.


There are other marketing secrets as well; however, the ones above are the most powerful. These tactics will help you gain the much needed traction. Engage with your audience and also engage with your competitors. It’s so simple. Isn’t it?

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