How to Create a CRO Process That Really Works

By Team VE Jun 08, 2017
How to Create a CRO Process That Really Works

Suppose you are a digital marketer and your boss suddenly comes to you and asks you to increase the conversion rate and the revenue of the company’s ecommerce website by 20 percent in three months. The caveat is that if you’re not able to achieve this, you will be fired from the job.

You are flustered and clueless about how you are to go ahead. The good news is that you can get started in 5 minutes even if you have not done this before. “Is this that easy?” you may ask.

Yes, you can certainly do this. However, the point to remember here is that you should not claim that you can increase that conversion rate just like that as it will sound amateurish. This is because amateurs focus on tactics, but professionals focus on the right processes.

May be, you have a list of 51 tactics, but what should you do? Should you use all 51 tactics in one go or use them one by one? Do you know that if you run them one by one, they will take months and years to be completed? Conversion optimization – if done right – is a systematic, teachable, and repeatable process.

Know the structured approach to CRO

Knowing the structured process of a testing program involves: knowing the number of test runs and percentage of tests that provide a win. It also needs average sample size and knowing the impact per successful experiment. So, you need to do the following three things:

  1. Run as many tests as possible
  2. Win as many tests as possible
  3. Have as high an impact (uplift) per successful test as possible

The second and third points are more important so far as achieving success in conversion rate optimization is concerned.

A detailed conversion framework

In case you believe that your site works perfectly, open up your Google Analytics > go to Audience > Technology > Browser & OS Report. Drill down your specific browser version and see if a particular browser version is converting less. Find out whether your site has a good speed on every browser. If not, try to resolve that issue.

Analyze analytics data

Analytics is a great tool and it provides a lot of useful information. Analyze the following things from Google Analytics:

  1. What people are doing
  2. Performance of every widget
  3. Whether the site is leaking money
  4. Where the holes are
  5. What metrics you should count

The moot point here is that you must collect the right data so that everything is done and set up correctly and you get the right reports.

The right survey process

Surveying is an important part of any conversion process. It provides you useful information, especially when you do the following:

  1. You can send an email survey to new customers.
  2. Decide about the pages that should be included in surveys.
  3. Try to get at least 100-300 responses.
  4. Ask quality questions.

Study maps

Once you are done with surveys, move to other important parts. Here are the other processes that you can follow:

  1. Study heat maps to judge where individual values are contained.
  2. Study attention maps to find out the areas that are viewed most by users.
  3. Conduct user testing tests to know what users are doing to your website in real time.

Summing up

Now you have everything you need to increase your conversion rate: data, insights, and a testing framework. These insights will help you identify problems in your website and rectifying the simple issues will increase the conversion rate and revenue of your website.

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